Throw Him A Boner
Imagination was given to man to compensate
him for what he is not; a sense of humor to
console him for what he is.
~~Francis Bacon
From 1000 points of light to 101 sex tips to
today's gripe. Lists of like items to help us in
the collection process. Presorted thoughts
from an organized mind hoping to add one
more to the collection. Problem is where to
put them and what to do about the dust that
gathers. Getting over the rough spots is as
easy as flying above turbulence if the
roughness is a factor of disorganization. If it's
from overload, finding the right altitude takes
more effort. No matter what, the pleasure part
of the cruise is where the money shot
happens. Way over yonder is a horizon linking
the stardust with the ground and we found
right where you can see it best. The latest efforts are H E R E
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