After Hanging 'Em Up
And I’d ply her with tears instead of pearls
And as time came around, she came my way
As time came around, she came
~~Peter Paul and Mary
Respect the worker when you're not one.
Creature comforts are easy compared to the
rigors of command. There's common ground
called style preferences which yield to the
artistic advisor exclusively. What a difference
there is between Ariel and Katrina as far as
property rights overrides go. The stuff that
you associate with longevity becomes "Next
!..." when the big one hits. Lesson here: avoid
getting anywhere near the big one if at all
possible. Where you want to be is near her
charging the us as one energy. All the
emotions are part of the seating arrangement
since exclusions have already been purged by
each of us. We don't spend time on the
exclusions since you gotta be fugly to make
that list. Pasta heads with angel hair like chia
pets only worse.
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