Momma, Don't Let Your Boys Grow Up to Be Hippies
Old hippies never die, they just lie low until the laughter
stops and their time comes around again.
~~James Gallivan
Wonder if that holds true for weekend hippies, too?
Spending the now on things from the past seems to be a
distraction from the best parts of being here today. It all
counts but like the editor picking camera three instead
of the other two, locking onto the clouds in view means
more tactile feelings than ethereal stimulation. Kevin
Spacey's Bobby Darin was worthy of lit lighters and
bravos. It made the David Wolper footage on John
Lennon seem to ask if we embellished Beatle messages
about peace and love to fit the weekend hippy credo
(still the ideal but lacking digital clarity, I guess). Doesn't
matter - that time's coming around again.
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